Thursday 5 March 2009

An Introduction


Welcome to my blog. Please wipe your feet or take your shoes off as you come in.

Somethings about who I am:
I'm in my twenties, and have been working in live entertainment for the last few years. However, at the moment I'm "between jobs" or "resting" as it's also known in this industry.
Life is getting pretty hard for me, I'm gradually running out of what money I have, as the little I'm earning from bits and pieces of casual work isn't covering rent and my other monthly costs. For about 4/5 days over this weekend I was completely unable to spend anything due to being out of cash, having a maxed out credit card, and my debit card while not at it's overdraft limit, a pre-authorisation meant I couldn't withdraw on it.
Yesterday I was able to get a tenner out of the cash machine, but am concerned that I've got to survive on that and the canned food and staples found in my cupboard.
My parents have been great and bailed me out a few times, and there's always a bed and well-stocked kitchen to retreat to, but that's not an option I'm wanting to resort to.
I trust God to look after me, and family and church are two ways he's supporting me already.

That's it for now I guess...

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